For Trade
Black Panther
Masters of Time
- Jinny Hex (mot009.01) - 1
- Hal Jordan (mot030) - 1
- Green Arrow (mot036.01) - 1
- Despero (mot045) - 2
- Shado (mot049) - 1
- Clock King (mot050) - 1
- Darkseid (mot052) - 1
- Vandal Savage (mot053) - 2
- Bat-Prince (mot057) - 1
- Prince Kal-El (mot058) - 1
- Diana (mot059) - 1
- Green Man (mot060) - 1
- Bat Walker (mot065) - 1
- Wonderdon (mot067) - 1
Deadpool Weapon X
Marvel Studios Next Phase
- Kingpin (msnp037b) - 1
- El Aguila (msnp044) - 1
- Man-Bull (msnp045) - 2
- Elsa Bloodstone (msnp047a) - 1
- Scarlet Scarab (msnp049) - 2
- Abomination (msnp050) - 1
- Wong (msnp051) - 1
- Kate Bishop (msnp054) - 1
- Titania (msnp055) - 2
- K.E.V.I.N. (msnp068) - 1
- Baby Groot (msnpb005) - 1
- Flaming Tuba (msnpb006) - 1
ChampionClix 2024
- Anthony Barnstable (cco24CCO-001) - 1
ROC 2024
- Icy Lake (roc24M001) - 1
WizKids 2024
- Lucas, PJ, & Scott (wk24WK24-B001) - 2
WizKids DC 2024
- King Arthur (wkd24DCP24-002) - 5
- Kalibak (wkd24DCP24-015) - 1
- Steppenwolf (wkd24DCP24-016) - 1
- Broadsword Construct (wkd24DCP24-s001) - 1
WizKids Marvel 2024
- Iceman (wkm24MVP24-002) - 6
- Old King Thor (wkm24MVP24-003) - 7
- Brood (wkm24MVP24-010) - 5
- Cyclops (wkm24MVP24-011) - 4
Wheels of Vengeance
- Daimon Hellstrom (wov029b) - 2
- Man-Thing (wov038) - 2
- Zadkiel (wov039) - 2
- Ghost Panther 2099 (wov040) - 1
- Chthon (wov042) - 2
- Brother Voodoo (wov043a) - 3
- Ghost Rider (wov044) - 3
- Rawhide Kid (wov045) - 1
- Headless Horseman (wov046) - 1
- Blade (wov047) - 1
- Ghost Rider (wov048) - 1
- Phantom Rider (wov049) - 4
- Ghost Surfer (wov050) - 1
- Spyder-Knight (wov051) - 1
- Sleipnir (wov052) - 1
- Wolverine (wov054) - 1
- Black Talon (wovL043) - 2
- Hela (wovL053a) - 1
- Witch Queen Le Fay (wovL056) - 1
- Hammer (wovL059a) - 1
- OMAC Prime (not019b) - 1
- Ra's Al Ghul (not037b) - 2
- Talon (not041b) - 1
- The Joker (not047a) - 1
- Wonder Woman (not048) - 1
- Two-Face (not050a) - 2
- Poison Ivy (not052) - 1
- Catwoman (not054) - 1
- The Penguin (not055) - 1
- Frank The Plant (not056) - 2
- Jervis Tetch (not057) - 1
- Toyman (not058) - 1
- Golden Glider (not061) - 2
- Robin King (not062) - 1
- Green Arrow (not068) - 1
- Wonder Woman (not072) - 1
- Killer Moth (notL035) - 1
- Queen of Fables (notL049) - 1
Avengers 60th Anniversary
- Monica Rambeau (av60039) - 1
- Spider-Man (av60040) - 2
- Absorbing Man (av60043a) - 1
- Starbrand (av60044) - 1
- Morgan Le Fay (av60046) - 1
- Super Adaptoid (av60047a) - 1
- King Killmonger (av60051.01) - 1
- Doom Supreme (av60052.01) - 1
- Kid Thanos (av60053) - 1
- Kid Thanos (av60053.01) - 1
- Thor (av60057.01) - 1
- Mephisto (av60058.01) - 1
- Avengers Prime (av60L060) - 2
Marvel Iconix
- Wolverine (micn003) - 1
WizKids Iconix
- Kong (wicnWKX-001) - 1
Spider-Man: Beyond Amazing
WizKids 2023
- Scott Porter (wk23WK23-001) - 4
- Scott Porter (wk23WK23-002) - 4
WizKids DC 2023
- Batman (wkd23D23-001) - 4
- Space Ghost (wkd23D23-002) - 2
- Superman (wkd23D23-003) - 3
- The Joker (wkd23D23-007) - 5
- Ten (wkd23DC-102.1) - 1
- Queen (wkd23DC23-104) - 1
- Ace (wkd23L058) - 2
WizKids Marvel 2023
- Hawkeye & Hawkeye (wkm23M23-002) - 1
- The Watcher (wkm23M23-003) - 6
- Thorgwen (wkm23M23-004) - 4
- Venom, God of Symbiotes (wkm23M23-005) - 5
Batman Team-Up
- Wonder Woman (btu016.1) - 1
- Saint Walker (btu048) - 1
- Dex-Starr (btu050) - 2
- Indigo-1 (btu051) - 2
- The Riddler (btuL037a) - 1
- Stop Sign (Green) (btus010) - 1
- Fire Hydrant (Green) (btus011) - 2
- Spotlight (Green) (btus014) - 1
- Lasso (Green) (btus015) - 1
- Chainsaw (Yellow) (btus019) - 1
- Stop Sign (Red) (btus024) - 1
- Chainsaw (Red) (btus026) - 1
- Cowboy Boot (Red) (btus027) - 1
- Spotlight (Red) (btus028) - 1
- Catcher's Mitt (Orange) (btus030) - 1
- Fire Hydrant (Orange) (btus032) - 1
- Catcher's Mitt (Blue) (btus037) - 1
- Stop Sign (Blue) (btus038) - 1
- Cowboy Boot (Blue) (btus041) - 1
- Cowboy Boot (Violet) (btus048) - 1
- Lasso (Violet) (btus050) - 1
- Stop Sign (Indigo) (btus052) - 1
Avengers Forever
- Wong (av4e013.1) - 3
- Nick Fury (av4e026.1) - 1
- Star-Lord (av4e040.1) - 1
- Hulk (av4e045) - 1
- Echo (av4e046) - 1
- She-Hulk (av4e047a) - 1
- Iron Man (av4e049) - 1
- Miss America (av4e050) - 2
- Ghost Rider (av4e051) - 1
- Sentry (av4e053a) - 2
- Kang the Conqueror (av4e056) - 1
- Dormammu Red (av4e064) - 1
- Tigra (av4eL033) - 1
- Cosmo (av4eL039) - 1
- Darkstar (av4eL043) - 3
X-Men: X of Swords Storyline Organized Play
- Bei the Blood Moon (xmxssop032) - 1
- Tarn the Uncaring (xmxssop033) - 1
- Magik (xmxssop035) - 1
- Mojo (xmxssop206) - 1
- Apocalypse (xmxssop209) - 1
- The Hanged Man (xmxssopTA012) - 1
- Death (xmxssopTA013) - 1
- The Sun (xmxssopTA019) - 2
- Judgment (xmxssopTA020) - 1
- Ten of Cups (xmxssopTC010) - 1
- King of Cups (xmxssopTC014) - 1
- Two of Pentacles (xmxssopTP002) - 1
- Knight of Pentacles (xmxssopTP012) - 1
- King of Pentacles (xmxssopTP014) - 1
- Ace of Swords (xmxssopTS001) - 1
- Two of Swords (xmxssopTS002) - 1
- Three of Swords (xmxssopTS003) - 1
X-Men: X of Swords
- Captain Britain (xmxs045) - 1
- Deadpool (xmxs048) - 1
- Summoner (xmxs055) - 1
- Redroot the Forest (xmxs056) - 1
- Saturnyne (xmxs061) - 1
- Five of Cups (xmxsTC005) - 2
- Knight of Cups (xmxsTC012) - 1
- Eight of Pentacles (xmxsTP008) - 1
- Page of Swords (xmxsTS011) - 1
- Queen of Swords (xmxsTS013) - 1
- Two of Wands (xmxsTW002) - 1
- Nine of Wands (xmxsTW009) - 1
- Knight of Wands (xmxsTW012) - 1
Marvel Studios Disney Plus
Avengers: War of the Realms
Avengers Fantastic Four: Empyre
X-Men: Rise and Fall
Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary
Fantastic Four: Future Foundation
Fast Forces: House of X
- Beast (ffhx002.01) - 1
- Beast (ffhx002.02) - 1
House of X
WizKids 2021
- The Gingerbread Man (wk21WP21-001) - 1
WizKids DC 2021
- Batman and Catwoman (wkd21DP21-001) - 2
- Punchline (wkd21DP21-002) - 2
- Harley Quinn (wkd21DP21-004) - 1
- Wonder Woman (wkd21DP21-005) - 6
WizKids Marvel 2021
- Phoenix Sentinel (wkm21MP21-001) - 2
- Spider-Hulk (wkm21MP21-002) - 2
- Ashley Barton (wkm21MP21-007) - 2
- Phoenix (wkm21MP21-008) - 3
Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage
Fantastic Four
Justice League Unlimited
Captain America and the Avengers
WizKids 2020
- John Cena (wk20WP20-001) - 3
WizKids DC 2020
- Justice League Fulcum Abominus (wkd20DP20-001) - 1
- Wonder Woman and Jumpa (wkd20DP20-003) - 1
- Brainiac and Lex Luthor (wkd20DP20-004) - 2
- Ares (wkd20DP20-005) - 2
- Batman (wkd20DP20-006) - 1
- Nifty Traffic Cone (wkd20DP20-s002a) - 1
- Nifty Fire Hydrant (wkd20DP20-s003a) - 1
WizKids Marvel 2020
- Old Man Hawkeye (wkm20MP20-007) - 1
- Punisher (wkm20MP20-008) - 2
- Pixie (wkm20MP20-103) - 1
X-Men the Animated Series: The Dark Phoenix Saga
Star Trek Away Team: The Next Generation: Resistance is Futile
Avengers Black Panther and the Illuminati
- Kang, the Conquerer (abpi056) - 1
WizKids DC 2019
- Kyle Rayner (wkd19DP19-003) - 1
- Ambrose Chase (wkd19DP19-005) - 1
WizKids Marvel 2019
- Rogue (wkm19MP19-003) - 2
- Storm (wkm19MP19-006) - 1
WizKids DC 2017
- Doomsday (wkd17DP17-002) - 1
WizKids Marvel 2014
- Hulk and Red She-Hulk (wkm14M-016) - 1
WizKids 2013
- Krampus (wk13WK-002) - 1
- Karnak (sv088) - 1
Collateral Damage
Mutant Mayhem
- Black Queen (mm092) - 1