Black Panther
Masters of Time
- Mister Mind (mot006.01) - 1
- Booster Gold (mot008.01) - 1
- Jinny Hex (mot009.01) - 1
- Wonder Woman (mot019.01) - 1
- Cinnamon (mot025.01) - 1
- Anthro (mot026.01) - 1
- Green Arrow (mot036.01) - 1
- Despero (mot045) - 1
- Swamp Thing (mot047b) - 1
- Diana (mot059) - 1
- Green Man (mot060) - 1
- Harley Quinn (mot061) - 1
- Zala Jor-El (mot062) - 1
- Supersaur (mot066) - 1
- Supersaur (mot066.01) - 1
- Wonderdon (mot067) - 1
- Mister Mind (mot068) - 1
- T-Rex (mot071) - 1
- Flashraptor (mot073) - 1
- Aquanyx (mot074) - 1
- Amethyst (motL019) - 1
Deadpool Weapon X
- Vox Ignis (dwx047b) - 1
- Storm (dwx051b) - 1
- Zombie Wolverine (dwx062) - 1
- Major Logan (dwx063) - 1
- Old Man Logan (dwx066) - 1
- Deadpool and Hit-Monkey (dwx067) - 1
- Deadpool & Hit Monkey (dwx202) - 1
- Deadpool & Hit Monkey (dwx202.1) - 1
- Mystique (dwxL018) - 1
- Wolverine and X-23 (dwxL050b) - 1
- Professor X and Magneto (dwxL053) - 1
Marvel Studios Next Phase
- Scarlet Scarab (msnp049) - 1
- Taweret (msnp058) - 1
- Baby Groot (msnp059) - 1
- Baby Groot (msnp060) - 1
- Baron Zemo (msnp062) - 1
- Steve (msnp064) - 1
- Wong and Madisynn (msnp067) - 1
- K.E.V.I.N. (msnp068) - 1
- Yelena (msnp098) - 1
- Baby Groot (msnp201) - 1
- Baby Groot (msnp201.1) - 1
- Iwua (msnp202) - 1
- Iwua (msnp202.1) - 1
- She-Hulk (msnpb002) - 1
- Baby Groot (msnpb007) - 1
WizKids 2024
- Surfing Gingerbread Man (wk24WK24-001) - 1
Wheels of Vengeance
- Jokester (not047b) - 1
- Kamo (not053b) - 1
- The Penguin (not055) - 1
- Batman (not063) - 1
- Superman (not064) - 1
- Martian Manhunter (not067) - 1
- Green Arrow (not068) - 1
- Hal Jordan (not069) - 1
- Batman (not070) - 1
- Superman (not071) - 1
- Wonder Woman (not072) - 1
- Hawkman (not074) - 1
- Ultraman (notL025) - 1
- Owlman (notL026) - 1
- Queen of Fables (notL049) - 1
Avengers 60th Anniversary
- Super Adaptoid (av60047b) - 1
- Dark Phoenix (av60050) - 1
- King Killmonger (av60051) - 1
- Doom Supreme (av60052) - 1
- Kid Thanos (av60053) - 1
- Ghost Goblin (av60055) - 1
- Iron Inquisitor (av60056) - 1
- Thor (av60057) - 1
- Mephisto (av60058) - 1
- Ant-Man (av60L003) - 1
- Ms. Marvel (av60L008b) - 1
- Wasp (av60L030) - 1
- Hulk (av60L033) - 1
- Nick Fury (av60L086) - 1
- Loki (av60L096) - 1
DC Iconix
- Trigon (dicnDCX-027) - 1
Marvel Iconix
- Wasp & Ant-Man (micn017) - 1
- Loki (micn018) - 1
- Wakanda Hulkbuster (micnMVX-013) - 1
- Captain America (micnMVX-019) - 1
- Spider-Man (micnMVX-021) - 1
- Spider-Man (micnMVX-022) - 1
- Deadpool (micnMVX-023) - 1
Spider-Man: Beyond Amazing
- Iron Spider (smba047b) - 1
- Carnage Thor (smba057) - 1
- Carnage Iron Man (smba058) - 1
- Carnage Captain America (smba059) - 1
- Carnage Clea (smba060) - 1
- Carnage Rocket (smba061) - 1
- The In-Gwenible Hulk (smba065) - 1
- Captain Gwen-Merica (smba066) - 1
- Iron Gwen (smba067) - 1
- Gwen, Goddess of Thunder (smba068) - 1
- Spider-Man (smbaL001) - 1
- Spider-Man (smbaL040) - 1
- Carnage (smbaL087) - 1
- Spider-Man (smbaL096) - 1
WizKids 2023
- Scott Porter (wk23WK23-002) - 1
- Scott Cramton (wk23WK23-B001) - 1
Batman Team-Up
Avengers Forever
X-Men: X of Swords Storyline Organized Play
- Apocalypse (xmxssop209) - 1
- The Hermit (xmxssopTA009) - 1
- The Hanged Man (xmxssopTA012) - 1
- Death (xmxssopTA013) - 1
- The Sun (xmxssopTA019) - 1
- Two of Cups (xmxssopTC002) - 1
- Three of Cups (xmxssopTC003) - 1
- Four of Cups (xmxssopTC004) - 1
- Eight of Cups (xmxssopTC008) - 1
- Nine of Cups (xmxssopTC009) - 1
- King of Cups (xmxssopTC014) - 1
- Two of Pentacles (xmxssopTP002) - 1
- Three of Pentacles (xmxssopTP003) - 1
- Four of Pentacles (xmxssopTP004) - 1
- Page of Pentacles (xmxssopTP011) - 1
- Knight of Pentacles (xmxssopTP012) - 1
- Queen of Pentacles (xmxssopTP013) - 1
- King of Pentacles (xmxssopTP014) - 1
- Ace of Swords (xmxssopTS001) - 1
- Two of Swords (xmxssopTS002) - 1
- Three of Swords (xmxssopTS003) - 1
- Four of Swords (xmxssopTS004) - 1
- Eight of Swords (xmxssopTS008) - 1
- Ten of Swords (xmxssopTS010) - 1
- Ace of Wands (xmxssopTW001) - 1
- Three of Wands (xmxssopTW003) - 1
- Five of Wands (xmxssopTW005) - 1
- Six of Wands (xmxssopTW006) - 1
- Seven of Wands (xmxssopTW007) - 1
- Eight of Wands (xmxssopTW008) - 1
X-Men: X of Swords
Marvel Studios Disney Plus
- Loki (msdp051) - 1
Avengers: War of the Realms
Avengers Fantastic Four: Empyre
Eternals Movie
- Uni-Mind (em023) - 1
X-Men: Rise and Fall
Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary
Fantastic Four: Future Foundation
House of X
- Forge (hx002.02) - 1
- Wolverine (hx004.01) - 1
- Wolverine (hx004.02) - 1
- Wolverine (hx004.04) - 1
- Wolverine (hx004.05) - 1
- Wolverine (hx004.06) - 1
- Beast (hx009.01) - 1
- Havok (hx010.01) - 1
- Corsair (hx018.01) - 1
- Corsair (hx018.02) - 1
- Cyclops (hx019.01) - 1
- Cyclops (hx019.04) - 1
- Cyclops (hx019.05) - 1
- Cyclops (hx019.06) - 1
- Marvel Girl (hx020.01) - 1
- Marvel Girl (hx020.03) - 1
- Wolverine (hx022.01) - 1
- Psylocke (hx023.02) - 1
- Douglock (hx024.02) - 1
- Sunspot (hx025.02) - 1
- Emma Frost (hx027.01) - 1
- Emma Frost (hx027.02) - 1
- Mister Sinister (hx031.01) - 1
- Mister Sinister (hx031.02) - 1
- Mister Sinister (hx031.03) - 1
- Mister Sinister (hx031.04) - 1
- Rogue (hx036.02) - 1
- Storm (hx039.01) - 1
- Storm (hx039.03) - 1
- Hope Summers (hx047.01) - 1
- Apocalypse (hx059a) - 1
- Apocalypse (hx059b) - 1
- Rasputin (hx071) - 1
Fast Forces: Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage
Spider-Man and Venom: Absolute Carnage
Battlegrounds: Avengers vs Masters of Evil
Fantastic Four
Justice League Unlimited
- Superman (jlu001.01) - 1
- Superman (jlu001.02) - 1
- Superman (jlu001.08) - 1
- Superman (jlu001.10) - 1
- Green Lantern (jlu002.06) - 1
- Green Lantern (jlu002.08) - 1
- Green Lantern (jlu002.10) - 1
- Green Lantern (jlu002.11) - 1
- Batman (jlu005a.03) - 1
- Batman (jlu005a.09) - 1
- Batman (jlu005a.10) - 1
- Batman (jlu005a.11) - 1
- Wonder Woman (jlu009.02) - 1
- Wonder Woman (jlu009.03) - 1
- Wonder Woman (jlu009.09) - 1
- Wonder Woman (jlu009.11) - 1
- Amazo (jlu012.01) - 1
- Amazo (jlu012.03) - 1
- The Flash (jlu020.02) - 1
- The Flash (jlu020.03) - 1
- Lex Luthor (jlu025.01) - 1
- Lex Luthor (jlu025.03) - 1
- Green Arrow (jlu026.02) - 1
- Green Arrow (jlu026.03) - 1
- Green Arrow (jlu026.05) - 1
- Green Arrow (jlu026.07) - 1
- Green Arrow (jlu026.10) - 1
- Aquaman (jlu029.01) - 1
- Aquaman (jlu029.04) - 1
- Aquaman (jlu029.05) - 1
- Aquaman (jlu029.07) - 1
- Aquaman (jlu029.10) - 1
- Black Canary (jlu030.01) - 1
- Black Canary (jlu030.04) - 1
- Black Canary (jlu030.08) - 1
- Black Canary (jlu030.10) - 1
- The Question (jlu031a.01) - 1
- Huntress (jlu033.01) - 1
- Shining Knight (jlu034.01) - 1
- Hawkgirl (jlu045.02) - 1
- Hawkgirl (jlu045.03) - 1
- Hawkgirl (jlu045.04) - 1
- Hawkgirl (jlu045.05) - 1
- Hawkgirl (jlu045.07) - 1
- Hawkgirl (jlu045.10) - 1
- Martian Manhunter (jlu046.02) - 1
- Martian Manhunter (jlu046.03) - 1
- Martian Manhunter (jlu046.05) - 1
- Martian Manhunter (jlu046.06) - 1
- Martian Manhunter (jlu046.10) - 1
Captain America and the Avengers
Deep Cuts: X-Men Primed
X-Men the Animated Series: The Dark Phoenix Saga
Star Trek Away Team: The Next Generation: Resistance is Futile
- Lt. Commander Data (trekrf032) - 1
Wolverine vs Cyclops: X-Men Regenesis
Avengers Black Panther and the Illuminati