Collector's Trove
Dungeons & Dragons Iconix
- Displacer Beast (dndicnDNDX-002) - 1
- Mimic (dndicnDNDX-003) - 1
- +1 Longsword (dndicnDNDX-s003) - 1
Black Panther
Masters of Time
- Animal Man (mot004) - 1
- Detective Chimp (mot005) - 1
- Mister Mind (mot006) - 1
- Batman (mot018) - 1
- Wonder Woman (mot019) - 1
- Beast Boy (mot024) - 1
- Hal Jordan (mot030) - 1
- Batman (mot032) - 1
- Robin (mot035) - 1
- The Flash (mot041a) - 1
- Reverse-Flash (mot041b) - 1
- Batman (mot044) - 1
- Despero (mot045) - 1
- John Constantine (mot046) - 1
- Swamp Thing (mot047a) - 1 - ★ ★ ★ ★
- Caveman Wally West (mot055) - 1
- Poseidon (mot056) - 1
- Bat-Prince (mot057) - 1
- Harley Quinn (mot061) - 1
- King Jefferson (mot063) - 1
- Ragman (motL047b) - 1
- Vigilante (motL048) - 1
- High Noon Saloon (motM001) - 1
- Paradise Island (motM002) - 1
- Apokolips (motM003) - 1
- House of Mystery (motM004) - 1
Deadpool Weapon X
- Jeff the Landshark (dwx011) - 1
- Timebreaker (dwx016) - 1
- Wolverine (dwx017) - 1
- Stryfe (dwx025) - 1
- Bob, Agent of Hydra (dwx030) - 1
- Psylocke (dwx033) - 1
- Rogue (dwx037a) - 1
- Rogue (dwx037b) - 1
- Colossus (dwx043a) - 1
- Colossus (dwx043b) - 1
- Banshee (dwx047a) - 1
- Maverick (dwx048) - 1
- Magneto (dwx050) - 1
- Storm (dwx051b) - 1
- Gambit (dwx052) - 1
- Patch (dwx054) - 1
- Wolverinepool (dwx057) - 1
- Cable (dwx058) - 1
- Krakoa (dwxLG021) - 1
- Terra Verde (dwxM006) - 1
- Ice Patch (dwxTM002) - 1
- Coffin (dwxTM003) - 1
- Timebreaker (dwxb005) - 1
Hellfire Gala Premium Collection 2
Marvel Studios Next Phase
WizKids DC 2024
- The Joker (wkd24DC24-001) - 1
WizKids Marvel 2024
- Zombie Scarlet Witch (wkm24MVD24-004) - 1
Avengers 60th Anniversary
- War Machine (av60035) - 1
DC Iconix
- Trigon (dicnDCX-027) - 1
- Raven (dicnDCX-028) - 1
Marvel Iconix
- Wakanda Hulkbuster (micnMVX-013) - 1
WizKids Iconix
- Professor Moriarty (wicnWKX-005) - 1